BGEA Equity Summit Highlights Now Available

BGEA Equity Summit Highlights Now Available

by | Nov 1, 2019 | Girl Talk Blog, See the Best In Me BLOG

Miss the Black Girls Equity Alliance Summit or want to relive the moment?

You can now view the livestream of the 4th Annual Equity Summit & Awards Reception, Intersectionality: Gender, Race, & Systemic Implications for Black Girls. Hear from Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw, leading authority in Black feminist legal theory; Dr. Venus Evans-Winters, researcher with a focus on educational policy analysis and racial trauma; and Dr. Jamilia Blake, leading voice on the construct of adultification of black girls.

Click here to check out the livestream, thanks to our sponsor the University of Pittsburgh. You can also search the hashtag, #BGEA2019, on our Facebook and Twitter platforms.